Wednesday, August 27, 2014


On Monday morning we departed PERTH on a six hour trip to WESTPORT. It was sunny and warm the entire day! Before we pushed off the dock Greg rode his bike to pick a few more crab apples..Yum :) We traveled most of the day on Big Rideau Lake, passing through Narrows Lock to Upper Rideau Lake. Both of the Lakes are clear and beautiful, with evergreen trees and homes with unique custom boat houses. 

Passing the Narrows Lock is significant on the Rideau Canal. This is the highest point on the Rideau Waterway, 407.5 feet above datum (mean sea level). All Locks past this point lower boats in the locks, this is slightly more difficult process, controlling lock lines and fenders (No worries....we did ok).

WESTPORT is a nice town with some shops, a grocery store and a restaurant. The Marina was $50 for the night including hydro, water and wifi. The showers were in the town visitors center and cost a "Toonie" (Canadian two dollar coin). 

On Tuesday, another warm sunny day, we departed WESTPORT and had no idea where  or what Lock Wall we would dock on for the night, we decided to just see what looked best!  We saw CHAFFEYS LOCK and knew this was it :) It should have only been about an hour trip from WESTPORT to CHAFFEYS LOCK, but it took us two and a half hours...With a little fender drama!  (See pictures below).

CHAFFEYS LOCK was a beautiful park setting, including a stream with rapids running under the old historic Geroge Chaffeys Mill House. The Mill House is being restored and we were fortunate to meet the gentleman in charge of the restoration project. He kindly invited us in the mill home for a tour and shared its history. Interestingly the Chaffeys Family has a California connection, the younger brother William developed Ontario, California after George developed Ontario, Canada. (Chaffey College?)

Looper Tip: There are nice marinas on the Rideau, but in our opinion on the Canal the free Lock Walls (With the purchased annual mooring pass) are the place to stay :)...absolutely beautiful park settings and many stops have hydro for a minimal cost ($9.80 per night).

Monday, PERTH to WESTPORT - Red Line
Tuesday, WESTPORT to CHAFFEYS LOCK - Green Line

Leaving PERTH our friendly neighbors on the Tay Canal waving goodby! We met them on Sunday evening and they shared some history about their home. It's named "Stonesthrow" and was built in 1842 with stone from the propery. The builders were probably stone masons from the Rideau Canal project.

Fresh Crab Apple Parfaits for breakfast (granola, oatmeal, nuts, yogurt, crab apples, honey and cinnamon). 

Rideau Lake.

Boat Houses on the Lake.

Narrows Lock.

Downtown WESTPORT, Ontario...old stone buildings and they are famous for their recycled plastic Adirondack chairs (Remember: WESTPORT, NY is where Adirondack were invented).

We completed the ALS challenge in WESTPORT....with Chilly Rideau Lake water!


WESTPORT sunset.

First Mate (Reenie) did not secure the fenders first thing after leaving the Westport Marina dock...and realized about an hour later that we lost one fender..somewhere?  We back-tracked  and spotted it on the lake shore..Greg swam about 500 meters to retrieve the fender :) Lesson Learned by Reenie ! Oooops ...Thanks GB XO


Downtown CHAFFEYS LOCK... One general store and a town hall.

Nice bike ride on the Cataraqui Trail an old Railroad track.

Relaxing after the bike ride...planning the next day with Captain Greg and The Skipper Bob Guide.

Enjoying a Steam Whistle on Thistle after a long bike ride.

Chafferys Mill House tour, the stream with rapids runs under the house.

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